Similar to spring onions but with a milder taste. Baby leeks are mild enought to eat raw and are crisp, developing a melting quality when cooked. Baby leeks are entirely edible, including the roots.
They are perfect for classic recipes such as pot pies, leek tarts and hearty soups. Baby leeks are a great salad or pizza ingredient, can be caramelised when sautéed with olive oil or butter and added to potato dishes and pastas. Grilling leeks imparts rich smokiness. Baby leeks should be blanched prior to grilling, so they retain their colouring and don’t over burn. Baby leeks pair well with cream sauces such as béchamel, cheeses, especially goat, cheddar and aged sheep’s cheese, bread crumbs, poultry, grilled and smoked white fish, apples, fennel, garlic, mustard, cooked eggs, tomatoes and vinaigrettes.